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Our collaborative

Our collaborative

Our core principle is: Our data analyses are only as effective as the value they provide to our clients. Therefore, our goal is not to collect as much data as possible but rather to gather precisely the data which helps you make the right decisions.

We like to translate Business Intelligence as number crunchers
It's not about handling as many numbers as possible. It's much more about identifying the relevant key figures and collecting them reliably. This is where the knowledge of our experts supports us in the four disciplines: business administration, computer science, mathematics, and business informatics. Equally important are the insights gained from 450 BI projects across various industries and a wide range of public administration sectors.
Successful BI solutions implemented
Clients in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy
Profitable and self-financed since founding
Zwei Männer stehen nebeneinander und unterhalten sich
Our core

Achieving success together

Our solutions are only effective when they are used in daily practice. That’s why, from the very start of a project, we place great value on ensuring that not only do our clients learn from our expertise, but we also learn from the knowledge of our clients. After all, knowledge is not a one-way street.

Embracing innovations like AI instead of admiring them

We don’t just write and talk about innovative technologies – we work with them. Rather than only fueling the hype around AI, we test its concrete benefits for our clients. For example, through the large-scale AI funding program from the state of Schleswig-Holstein which is endowed with €490,000 in funding.

Independence ensures good consultation

We are solely committed to our clients. We have no obligations to software providers, nor do we need to satisfy a parent company or generate business for sister companies. This is why our work is focused on one thing: the quality we deliver to our clients.
Good reasons to come to us. And even more reasons to stay.
Eine junge Frau lehnt an einem Türrahmen von einem Konferenzraum
Mehrere Personen sitzen an einem Konferenztisch
Mehrere Personen sitzen beim Mittagessen an einem Tisch
What does company culture really consist of? Is it the fruit baskets, free coffee, and bike racks? We are convinced that a good company culture is built on appreciation. Appreciation for every individual team member and their work.

Ein Mann sitzt in einem Büro am Schreibtisch vorm PC
Nahaufnahme einer Dartscheibe mit Pfeilen
Ein Türrahmen in dessen Raum ein Mann am Schreibttisch setzt
Ein Raum mit mehreren Sitzmöglichkeiten und Whiteboards
Ein Mann sitzt am Laptop. Eine Frau steht hinter ihm und deutet auf den Bildschirm
Ein Ball in der Ecke eines orangenen Sofas
Eine junge Frau geht durch einen langen Flur
Schirmständer mit orangenen Sonnenschirm von oben fotografiert
Ein Mann unterhält sich mit einer anderen Person
Blick in einen langen Flur
Our offices in Hamburg and Hanover are more than just workplaces
Our appreciation for employees begins with our offices. They are the exact opposite of rigid open-plan spaces: inviting, bright, and spacious—our offices provide room for inspiring conversations, spontaneous interactions, and shared lunches at the long communal table.
Our strong partners for knowledge transfer and innovation.
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copargo Logo in schwarz-weiß
tdwi Logo in schwarz-weiß
fh wedel Logo in schwarz-weiß
icv Logo in schwarz-weiß
Nordakademie Logo in schwarz-weiß