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Human Resources Solutions

The staff is the heart of every company. That's why we understand how important it is for the success of the entire organization to manage this area well and with foresight. With our business intelligence solutions for the sector human resources, you can achieve exactly that.

Icon zeigt ein Balkendiagramm in einer Lupe

Human resources reporting

All essential data and information regarding your current staffing situation – always easily accessible in one central location.

Whether it's a shortage of skilled labour, fluctuation analyses, or your unique challenges, linkFISH's HR solutions provide the optimal analytics environment to keep you on top and able to respond to constantly changing market conditions. Because knowing is simply better than guessing.

You decide what you want to see on your HR dashboard. This could be an overview of your employee numbers, a representation in full-time equivalents, or a detailed breakdown of your personnel costs.

Together with you, we will tailor your HR solution to your individual needs as part of a project and implement it in the software that best suits you. After just a few weeks of project duration, you’ll be set to go. 

Icon zeigt mehrere Diagramme und einen Stift

Human resources planning/forecast

Reliably assess developments and perspectives in personnel – and recognise them in time.

In addition to detailed and transparent reporting, planning is the second crucial pillar in managing any HR department. With our solutions for workforce planning and reporting, your planning process will become child’s play.

Integrated features such as permissions, workflow overviews, status tracking, pre-population logic, and commenting simplify your planning or forecasting process. This allows you to finally focus more on your strategic tasks. Time-consuming manual data preparation with Excel will finally be a thing of the past.

Together with you, we will design your individual planning or forecasting process and implement it in modern, future-proof BI software. After just a few weeks of project duration, you’ll be set to go.

Whether it’s the monthly personnel cost forecast, annual workforce planning, or your unique challenges, linkFISH's HR solutions provide the optimal planning and forecasting environment to realise your long-term HR strategy. Because knowing is simply better than guessing.

Of course, we also develop customised solutions for you.

Your benefits

  • Always up-to-date and transparent insights into your HR data

  • Key insights into costs, absence times, fluctuations, and development needs

  • Establishment of a reliable, shared data foundation for your team and for the communication with your external partners

  • Early detection of trends and developments

  • Significant reduction in manual data preparation and processing in sales reporting

  • Flexible analysis functions at a click, such as by cost centre, account, or organizational unit

  • Easy and code-free expansion of your reporting environment using self-service features

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for efficient organisation of your HR planning

Every beginning is easy

Orientation Offers

Orientation Offer 01

Opportunity Navigator

Would you like to first understand what Business Intelligence, planning, and data analysis can specifically offer in your case? Then our Opportunity Navigator is just right for you.

Opportunity Navigator

€ 5,000 net

  • Interviews to assess the current situation and expectations
  • Workshop for preliminary concept design
  • Project planning with documentation
  • Result presentation meeting

A final results presentation (PDF) incl.:

  • Definition of objectives and scope (scope statement)
  • Target solution architecture
  • Options for BI software portfolio
  • Project plan including project organisation chart, phased timeline, top-down work plan
  • Effort estimation
Orientation Offer 02

Solution Finder

Do you want not only to understand what Business Intelligence, planning, and data analysis can do for you, but also to receive a concrete solution proposal, including software recommendations? Then our Solution Finder is exactly what you need.

Solution Finder

€ 25,000 net

  • Interviews to assess the current situation and expectations
  • Three workshops to define the 6 BI success components (BI processes + products, BI architecture, BI software portfolio, BI organization, data governance)
  • Result presentation meeting

A BI strategy document (PDF, approximately 25 pages), incl.:

  • Functional requirements matrix by user group (xlsx)
  • Target solution architecture
  • BI software options, incl. evaluation and recommendation
  • BI organization + roles for development + operations
  • Roadmap with recommended, modular sequence
  • A results presentation (PDF)
Quick Assistance Offer 03

First Aid Package

Have you already started a Business Intelligence project, acquired software, but now find yourself stuck? We're here to help you save the project and get it back on track.

First Aid Package

€ 15,000 net

  • Interviews with stakeholders about the current situation, pressure points, objectives, and expectations (target).
  • Gap analysis (current/target), list of gaps and causes for missing targets
  • A workshop on the rough concept + project planning solution path to BI success
  • Result presentation meeting

A presentation of the results of the gap analysis incl. causes for missed targets

  • Target and scope definition (scope statement)
  • Target solution architecture
  • BI software portfolio options
  • Cost estimate

Optionally, we could also develop a prototype solution.

Prototype Workshop

€ 7,500 net

  • Installation of BI prototype infrastructure for BI software to be evaluated (remote)
  • Handover of your test data set (remote)
  • Prototype workshop (2 days) with 2 linkFISH experts incl. presentation of results for decision-makers


  • A BI prototype implemented from data source to frontend with BI software to be evaluated with your test data set
  • A basis for evaluating whether BI software meets the requirements
  • A mutual cooperation check
  • Project plan with project organisation chart, phase plan, top-down work plan
  • 1-5 BI software users for prototype environment (free of charge for a limited period)