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Further Specialised Solutions

We don't just rely on ready-made products. We create customised solutions for individual tasks and their requirements.

Further Specialised Solutions

Haven't found what you are looking for yet? Or would you like further, target group-specific reports for your specialist area? No problem - our linkFISH consultants have many years of expertise in administrative processes and the connection of a wide range of specialised procedures from public administration.

Together in interdisciplinary teams, we design your customised business intelligence solution for reporting, planning or forecasting and implement it in a targeted manner. We provide you with comprehensive advice, from the appropriate data protection concept and the early involvement of your stakeholders to the optimisation of data quality in your source systems. In addition to the information from your specialised process, we also integrate other sources and combine databases (such as population and statistical data) in order to map the key figures that your target groups need on a daily basis.

Simply get in touch with us and let us realise your project together.

Exemplary work results for a specialised solution

Every beginning is easy

Orientation Offers

Orientation Offer 01

Opportunity Navigator

Would you like to first understand what Business Intelligence, planning, and data analysis can specifically offer in your case? Then our Opportunity Navigator is just right for you.

Opportunity Navigator

€ 5,000 net

  • Interviews to assess the current situation and expectations
  • Workshop for preliminary concept design
  • Project planning with documentation
  • Result presentation meeting

A final results presentation (PDF) incl.:

  • Definition of objectives and scope (scope statement)
  • Target solution architecture
  • Options for BI software portfolio
  • Project plan including project organisation chart, phased timeline, top-down work plan
  • Effort estimation
Orientation Offer 02

Solution Finder

Do you want not only to understand what Business Intelligence, planning, and data analysis can do for you, but also to receive a concrete solution proposal, including software recommendations? Then our Solution Finder is exactly what you need.

Solution Finder

€ 25,000 net

  • Interviews to assess the current situation and expectations
  • Three workshops to define the 6 BI success components (BI processes + products, BI architecture, BI software portfolio, BI organization, data governance)
  • Result presentation meeting

A BI strategy document (PDF, approximately 25 pages), incl.:

  • Functional requirements matrix by user group (xlsx)
  • Target solution architecture
  • BI software options, incl. evaluation and recommendation
  • BI organization + roles for development + operations
  • Roadmap with recommended, modular sequence
  • A results presentation (PDF)
Quick Assistance Offer 03

First Aid Package

Have you already started a Business Intelligence project, acquired software, but now find yourself stuck? We're here to help you save the project and get it back on track.

First Aid Package

€ 15,000 net

  • Interviews with stakeholders about the current situation, pressure points, objectives, and expectations (target).
  • Gap analysis (current/target), list of gaps and causes for missing targets
  • A workshop on the rough concept + project planning solution path to BI success
  • Result presentation meeting

A presentation of the results of the gap analysis incl. causes for missed targets

  • Target and scope definition (scope statement)
  • Target solution architecture
  • BI software portfolio options
  • Cost estimate