The tool is based on the two freely available databases of the “Federal Statistical Office” and “Regional Statistics”. These offer numerous statistical evaluations and diverse data sets on a wide range of topics, such as population, education & health, housing, labour market & economy, public finances, and much more. Here you can freely select the statistics that are relevant and interesting for your existing analysis portal. We offer suitable linkFISH connectors for both statistics databases. With the help of these special connectors, the data is automatically retrieved daily from the statistics databases via the publicly accessible data interface, transformed and loaded directly into the central data pool of your existing business intelligence (BI) solution.
The statistical data is then available for further use in your familiar BI environment (e.g. Board, Jedox or LÄMMkom ANALYSE). As further support for you, the linkFISH Statistics+ module also includes suitable start reports. We create these for you individually based on your statistical data and integrate them into your evaluation portal. This means you can get started straight away once the linkFISH Statistics+ module has been implemented!